I have a task that failed with an error I've never seen before: Gaia unavailable
Inside the operations, I see
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ gcloud alpha genomics operations describe operations/ENjyrcvsKxjUwKia79Kw_r8BIPCeybKCFioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl --format json|head
"done": true,
"error": {
"code": 2,
"message": "Gaia unavailable"
"metadata": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.genomics.v1.OperationMetadata",
"clientId": "",
"createTime": "2017-09-28T16:56:57Z",
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$
Is this issue originating in JES? Is it a JES bug? Does anyone know the significance of this? What is GAIA?
The first submission I've seen it is here : https://portal.firecloud.org/#workspaces/broad-firecloud-testing/hg38_PoN_Creation_copy/monitor/9e2d5a62-69e0-48af-9147-f5ae4d0a7d5d/85649bf0-500d-4380-9fe9-cecc1a902bfd