I have a WDL task that's the last in a scatter (of width 10) that ran on FC. The GUI shows the information copied/pasted here:
Call #10:
Cache Result:Miss
Started:August 11, 2017, 9:48 AM (26 minutes ago)
Ended:August 11, 2017, 9:48 AM (25 minutes ago)
JES log:Mutect1_Task-9.log
Note that the start/end times give a difference of 0 to 1 minutes .
Note also that the timings from the JES log do show an inconsistency in terms of difference. The end time in the JES log is near the same, but the start time is not. The JES logs have ":25" and ":46" for the start-end times as seen in the "head" and "tail" below. The ":25" (start) is not ":48" as shown in the GUI above. The time difference in the JES log is about 20 minutes (46-25), but the GUI is 0 minutes.
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ gsutil cat gs://fc-9c9d440a-1b11-4757-bf46-3e7ff46805b8/27a2e45a-cee2-4e91-8d22-8e65054657b2/CallingGroup_Workflow/dccb19c9-7e0f-4d94-946b-f0127c1794a3/call-Mutect1_Task/shard-9/Mutect1_Task-9.log 2>/dev/null |head -1 2>/dev/null
2017/08/11 13:25:11 I: Switching to status: pulling-image
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ gsutil cat gs://fc-9c9d440a-1b11-4757-bf46-3e7ff46805b8/27a2e45a-cee2-4e91-8d22-8e65054657b2/CallingGroup_Workflow/dccb19c9-7e0f-4d94-946b-f0127c1794a3/call-Mutect1_Task/shard-9/Mutect1_Task-9.log 2>/dev/null |tail -1 2>/dev/null
2017/08/11 13:46:05 I: Done copying files.
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$