Hi Firecloud team,
Is this a regression, a bug, or not intended functionality:
I am trying to run a workflow, but I don't want to write all outputs to annotations because it clutters the workspace.
Previously, I left the fields blank (I want the files in the workspace bucket, but not in annotations)
Now it looks like when I run this workflow the data model is not updated at all. Here's an example:
I expect the bottom two annotations to be written, but it looks like they are not.
Nothing too strange in the output WDL as far as I can tell
output {
File gatk_cnv_coverage_file = "${entity_id}.coverage.tsv"
File gatk_cnv_seg_file = "${entity_id}.seg"
File gatk_cnv_tn_coverage = "${entity_id}.tn.tsv"
File gatk_cnv_pre_tn_coverage = "${entity_id}.preTN.tsv"
File gatk_het_ad_normal = "${entity_id}.normal.hets.tsv"
File gatk_het_ad_tumor = "${entity_id}.tumor.hets.tsv"
Array[File] gatk_cnv_all_plots = glob("plotting/*.png")
File gatk_acnv_plot = "plotting_acnv/${entity_id}_ACNV.png"
File gatk_acnv_seg_file = "acnv/${entity_id}-sim-final.acs.seg"