See the WDL here and attached screenshot.
task catter_task {
File myFile
command <<<
#increase verbosity
set -x
#show the file contents
cat ${myFile}
runtime {
docker : "ubuntu:16.04"
disks: "local-disk 1 HDD"
memory: "0.1 GB"
workflow demo_wf {
call catter_task as cat_1
call catter_task as cat_2
See the two inputs for the myFile. See how one is a valid GSURL (starting with "gs://" and how the
other is not a valid GSURL (not starting with "gs://"). In cases where the "gs://" is omitted, the task
"runs" forever. But is what should happen is that an error should be reported and the file with an improper
input URL should be unambiguously specifically indicated? Otherwise, users can get the false impression
that something is running when it is not running. I note that absence of an OID for the "cat_2" call
whose input is not a valid GSURL.
Such behavior (of cromwell?) was brought to my attention by @nrashi .