by network tab inspection (from google developer tools) I saw :
"submission": "2017-03-30T21:13:32.218Z",
"status": "Failed",
"failures": [{
"message": "JesAsyncBackendJobExecutionActor failed and didn't catch its exception.",
"causedBy": {
"message": "Runtime attribute validation failed:\n:\nDisk strings should be of the format 'local-disk SIZE TYPE' or '/mount/point SIZE TYPE'"
In my WDL, I have :
runtime {
memory: "${memGB} GB"
cpu : "1"
docker: "broadinstitute/lego_plotter"
disks: "local-disk ${diskGB} HDD"
as the runtime block
#runtime parameter for memory/disk
Float memGB
Float diskGB
for the task's relevant input parameters.
here ( I found that float+string=float.... is that relevant information? Should the Float diskGB be a String type? or an Int type?