Weird error message encountered: ""
I have a workflow that failed, but the error message says "Not Found" and then "" lower down. Can we maybe get PAPI/Cromwell to give a better error message? Here's the workflow:...
View Articletiming contradiction: task "start" and submission time contradiction
In this screenshot, I have a workflow...
View Articlequick questions about deleting a workspace (and related bucket questions)
Several quick questions about deleting a workspace. 1) If I delete a workspace I own, then does the workspace bucket also get deleted? 2) How do I know that the bucket is deleted? For example I deleted...
View ArticleCan you provide a detailed explanation of workflow timing diagram?
Looking at the workflow diagram, I see for each call a multi-colored bar describing the changing state of a job (called task) on FireCloud. The GUI makes it difficult to get information on each of the...
View ArticleIn monitor tab: would be useful to see the version of the method that config...
When looking at old runs, that were done with method configs that have been redacted, and old versions of methods, it is useful to be able to figure out what those things are. Currently, there is no...
View ArticleArrays interferes with viewing attributes for item
I have a data-set for which one of the participants has an array value in one of the columns, when I try to view that participants it claims that there are no attributes: but...
View ArticleFirecloud failures because it is looking for nonexistent output parameters
Hi, Since the new release, I have been running into issues with an old method that I had developed. In the snapshot I am using, the outputs "pileup.normalPileupFileOut" and...
View ArticleLinked billing account, but still can't make workspace
I'm trying to make my first workspace, so I just went through the process of creating a Google billing account and linking it with my Firecloud account. The billing set up on Google looks successful....
View ArticleIteration in FireCloud
Other than scatter, are there alternate methods to iterate over an array in FireCloud? I am creating several subsets of data (based on an input dataset and class vector). For each data subset, I want...
View Articlecannot grant users access to broad-genomics-delivery FireCloud Workspaces
Hi, I am trying to grant access to users in the following Workspaces: broad-genomics-delivery/Yolken_Wave3_Neale_GSA-MD broad-genomics-delivery/ADHD_Neale_Sham_Leung_GSA-MD...
View ArticleUnable to create new billing project
I'm working on integrating user-supplied billing account for the Single Cell Portal, and I tried creating two new billing projects recently, and both have failed to create properly. They were created...
View ArticleCan you clarify functional differences between Method Repo namespace access...
Method Repository Namespaces have three different access levels: READER, OWNER, NO ACCESS. I am an owner of the broadinstitute_cga namespace. A member of the CGA group here at the Broad recently asked...
View ArticleCan anyone log in to FireCloud 20 Oct in the morning?
I tried to log into FC this morning and could not log in. I got a message Error loading user information. Please try again later. I tried to log in with both my broad and personal accounts and got the...
View ArticleDose FireCloud support private docker image?
Hi, I have a private docker image and want to run it on Firecloud. Could you please give me any suggestions about how to write the WDL? Thanks a lot! Best, Chunyang
View ArticlePreemptible instances: historical data of Google Compute Engine VM running...
Google makes zero guarantee on when your preemptible instance could become preempted. Preemptible instances typically cost about 1/4 of regular instances, but it is difficult to make an informed...
View ArticleError creating new billing project
After I create a new billing project it appears on the "Billing Management" page project list, but the name is not clickable and it has an info symbol with the following text attached to it: Message:...
View ArticleUsing a participant with an "array of files" annotation as input to a workflow
I have a WDL ( that runs locally and operates on two array of file inputs. (The samples were sequenced multiple times, and thus have...
View ArticleBUG: deleteWorkspace API status code does not match documentation.
According to the swagger documentation, the deleteWorkspace API is supposed to return status code 202 on success/command acceptance, but instead it returns a 200.
View ArticleBUG: Renaming a method config by changing the case (e.g. adding...
when I try to rename a method config by changing only the case (e.g. mutation_apobec -> Mutation_APOBEC), I get an error: If I change the name to something else, and then to my final name, it works:...
View Articlecall-caching disabled but "Use Call Caching" checkbox is checked?
I just launched a submission. I saw during the launch screen that the box "Use Call Caching Learn about call caching" is checked : However, after I hit launch and see the first task start running it...
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