I'm trying to uncompress some files using Firecloud. I get this error:
Task helloUncompressGZ.UncompressGZ:NA:1 failed. Job exited without an error, exit code 0. PAPI error code 5. 10: Failed to delocalize files: failed to copy the following files: "/mnt/local-disk/Sample1.wig -> gs://fc-afaa23cb-8cd5-4c96-8a6c-caebe89b1b75/43e82d6a-6d73-469d-9bcc-fe9db73c7461/helloUncompressGZ/aa1b2a82-f68f-4c5c-809a-29035fd4170f/call-UncompressGZ/Sample1.wig (cp failed: gsutil -q -m cp -L /var/log/google-genomics/out.log /mnt/local-disk/Sample1.wig gs://fc-afaa23cb-8cd5-4c96-8a6c-caebe89b1b75/43e82d6a-6d73-469d-9bcc-fe9db73c7461/helloUncompressGZ/aa1b2a82-f68f-4c5c-809a-29035fd4170f/call-UncompressGZ/Sample1.wig, command failed: CommandException: No URLs matched: /mnt/local-disk/Sample1.wig\nCommandException: 1 file/object could not be transferred.\n)"
Here is my WDL
workflow helloUncompressGZ {
call UncompressGZ
task UncompressGZ {
String sampleName
File inputGZ
String docker
command {
gunzip ${inputGZ}
output {
File outputGZ = "${sampleName}.wig"
runtime {
docker: docker
Let me know if you need more info. Thanks.