I'm using a Wdl that I've used for cellranger back in June successfully, but now I am getting a strange docker file mapping error. In the logs file, it used to say "Docker file /cromwell_root/exec.sh maps to host location /mnt/local-disk/exec.sh." but now it says "Docker file /cromwell_root/fc-733ca028-212e-4aa6-9448-c1691fc9132f/180813_NB501148_0418_AHJLV2BGX7.tgz
maps to host location /mnt/local-disk/fc-733ca028-212e-4aa6-9448-c1691fc9132f/180813_NB501148_0418_AHJLV2BGX7.tgz" or "Docker file /cromwell_root/fc-733ca028-212e-4aa6-9448-c1691fc9132f/180726_samplesheet.csv maps to host location /mnt/local-disk/fc-733ca028-212e-4aa6-9448-c1691fc9132f/180726_samplesheet.csv" if I change the Docker. The files that it is randomly choosing to map are in the input.
Do you have any suggestions on what might be happening?