I'm currently trying to run the "mutect2-gatk4" public method (snapshot ID 12), and I'm hitting the following error:
message: Failed to evaluate 'Mutect2.gnomad_vcf_size' (reason 1 of 1): Evaluating if defined(gnomad) then ceil(size(gnomad, "GB")) else 0 failed: gs://gatk-best-practices/somatic-hg38/af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz
even though that file exists.
I found a similar thread with an identical error message here, but the accepted answer doesn't apply to me; gatk_docker is mapped to my corresponding workspace attribute, which is the correctly versioned "us.gcr.io/broad-gatk/gatk:".
Any ideas on why this error may be occurring?
Thank you!