A colleague and noticed that when we were trying to add or delete intermediate characters in a method config annotation, we would get pushed to the end of the string after adding or deleting a single character. To illustrate what I mean:
Suppose I have a method configuration and have an output annotation "out_MAF" that I write to the data model with the annotation "this.outMAF", and I want to add a prefix to this annotation so that the annotation is now "this.testOutMAF". For each letter I type in the word "test", I get sent to the end, meaning that I were to type without any adjustments, the annotation would be "this.tOutMAFest".
The issue also arises when I am deleting characters. As an example, if I wanted my annotation to be "this.MAF" instead of "this.out_MAF", I would have to delete each character in "out_" one-by-one, because each deletion sends me back to the end of the string. This is probably a smaller issue since I can highlight and delete text, but inserting characters has now become much more inconvenient.
I would appreciate any insight into why this is occurring. Thank you!