I got the following error on one shard of my workflow:
Task CallManySamples.M2:43:1 failed. The job was stopped before the command finished. PAPI error code 5. Message: 8: Failed to pull image us.gcr.io/broad-gatk/gatk@sha256:fd8e7a9e65e6a981ab3b92305492d54c3baef7a803ec3fcb895e5ebeedf824e7: "gcloud docker -- pull us.gcr.io/broad-gatk/gatk@sha256:fd8e7a9e65e6a981ab3b92305492d54c3baef7a803ec3fcb895e5ebeedf824e7" failed: exit status 1: ERROR: (gcloud.docker) You do not currently have an active account selected. Please run: $ gcloud auth login to obtain new credentials, or if you have already logged in with a different account: $ gcloud config set account ACCOUNT to select an already authenticated account to use.
I believe this is a transient error because all of the other shards (which are pulling the same docker image) worked just fine. I'm rerunning the workflow now, but wanted to note this particular error.