I've been unable to run jobs for the past ~16 hours. For successful submissions, jobs get stuck in 'starting' status. Others in the lab are seeing these problems as well, but status.firecloud.org seems to indicate that everything is fine. Is there a deadlocking issue similar to last Friday? (https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/firecloud/discussion/11675/error-lock-wait-timeout-exceeded-try-restarting-transaction). Thanks for looking into this.
The metadata shows the following:
{'attempt': 1, 'backend': 'JES', 'callCaching': {'allowResultReuse': True, 'effectiveCallCachingMode': 'ReadAndWriteCache'}, 'executionStatus': 'Starting', 'shardIndex': -1, 'start': '2018-03-28T11:13:33.707Z'}