Hello! I'm running a WDL on several (1200+) genomes and so far, all of them have failed.
I'm getting different errors that appear to point to similar, or maybe the same, problem(s).
Some examples are:
Unexpected failure or termination of the actor monitoring PairedEndSingleSampleWorkflow.CheckFinalVcfExtension:NA:1
Unexpected failure or termination of the actor monitoring PairedEndSingleSampleWorkflow.ScatterIntervalList:NA:1
Unexpected failure or termination of the actor monitoring PairedEndSingleSampleWorkflow.CreateSequenceGroupingTSV:NA:1
Unexpected failure or termination of the actor monitoring PairedEndSingleSampleWorkflow.SortBam:NA:3
This is again for a customer for which we have privacy agreements in place, I'd be happy to share the workspace and details outside of the forum.
Thank you for looking into it!