Sorry for repost, was for some reason in "Zoo and Garden!!
Hi All,
Stuck again.
The first step in my pipeline is to convert fastq -> unaligned BAM, which was successful. This is done so that there are several read groups (corresponding to different libraries / lanes / runs) from the same individual. In the next step, I'd like to do analysis at the individual level.
I've populated my samples table with the individual "unaligned_BAM" attribute. My data model is set up such that individuals are "participants" and each individual has multiple samples reflecting each of the read groups.
In the next step, I want to iterate over a participant set, and "collect" the corresponding unaligned BAMs for each participant. I'm having trouble with the mental gymnastics to do this.
What I'm thinking is I want the method to run with the root entity type as a participant, and give the "Launch Analysis" expression on a participant set (this.participants). How would I go about implementing something like this?