Channel: Ask the FireCloud Team — GATK-Forum
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error during method conf launch, my browser stays in config screen, but method got submitted anyway


I tried to submit a method config but got an error (as shown here http://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/firecloud/discussion/7361/more-helpful-error-message-during-method-config-submission )
Given two facts 1) that I had received an error and 2) that my browser stayed at the "Launch a Method Config" windows/screen I PRESUMED that no method got submitted!

This presumption was wrong because I then went to my bucket (after I was able to fix my method config) and saw
MULTIPLE submissions. I saw two submissions (for each of the two times I had an error) and one submission for the submission that had no error and actually did show up on the monitor tab.

This is confusing and I don't think is desired behavior

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