I generate weekly FireCloud Usage Metrics report for the NCI from usage data I retrieve from FireCloud. Each week I run the curl command:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" "https://rawls.dsde-prod.broadinstitute.org/api/admin/statistics?startDate=2017-09-10&endDate=2017-09-17" > fc_metrics_20170917.txt
to obtain the past week's data and then I run jupyter notebook to generate the report. The curl command is run under my admin credentials (birger@firecloud.org). The curl command is now failing. I have attached the output of the above command which reveals that an internal service error (status code 500) is occurring, and includes a scala stack trace.
It would be very helpful if this could be resolved quickly as NCI expects the weekly usage reports to be received by 5pm Friday of each week.