Today in this forum I typed in a search string ("esalinas" to explore my forum activity) and got "110 results".
The search results show the first 10 results.
Links like
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 11 >>>
appear at the bottom of the page in the search that seem to take me to hits 11-20, 21-30, groups of 10. However, they don't seem to be clickable for me.
I wonder if I'm the only one to experience these?
I'm using google chrome.
If I right-click and hit "View Page Source" on the pop-up menu that appears, I can scroll to the links that correspond to those pages, and if I right-click on them and open a new tab, I can get to the pages whose links via the main browser don't seem to work.
Has anyone else seen this I wonder?