Within the method repository I understand the types of "Configuration" and "Workflow" and these seem to be the overwhelmingly significant instances of methods in the repository. But there is a third type of method which seems fuzzy, namely "Task" (as shown in the attached image). Note that the WDL for plink_vcf "Task" contains only a task component definition (which almost makes its type of "Task" make sense); while the WDL for Picard_SequencingMetrics_Workflow contains both task and workflow components, as does the WDL for rna_seq_pipeline_STAR_multiple_Fastqs (which makes their respective types of "Task" not make sense to me).
So, is the method repository type of "Task" a holdover from earlier versions of WDL/Cromwell/FireCloud? Or does it still have meaning today? And, if it is still meaningful today what is the meaning, precisely? And how does one create such things?
Thanks, Mike