I made submission f4e7a548-76b7-4303-88ab-1816b1098330 today on FC.
The submission was on a pair set with 1080 pairs.
Of the 1080 pairs, exactly 8 failed with the following message (observed by inspecting the network tab of the google chrome developer tools).
"status": "Failed",
"failures": [{
"message": "Failed to upload authentication file",
"causedBy": {
"message": "Socket closed"
This seems to be a known issue (see here http://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/firecloud/discussion/comment/37368 ).
@KateVoss you said
In the next version of Cromwell this type of error will be rerun automatically by Cromwell.
@KateVoss it looks like C26 was released recently..... @Geraldine_VdAuwera can you offer any timeline on when/if C26 will be integrated into FC?