I've got two tasks that appear to be stuck (see attached image), one I tried to abort but it is only listed as "Aborting", the other is listed as running, but should only have taken 20ish minutes and is going on 2+ hours now.
Workspace: broad-firecloud-testing/analyses__2015_08_21_acc_test
Aborting Job:
-Workflow ID: cb8f2837-75ed-4c3c-985f-5ffbd8d8e72e
-Submission ID: 33583dc3-51c3-4bce-86a2-99e1cdf1a63a
Running Job:
-Workflow ID: 40cb9f9d-2451-4774-be36-bd51c9722e90
-Submission ID: 66228def-c588-4642-9e17-fff2e1334318