I have a submission where the first task is "calcDiskSizes". It is the first task in the WDL. It's output is
used to specify disk sizes for downstream tasks.
In the UI the task is 1) marked "Starting", 2) its output is displayed, and 3) tasks that read its output have started and finished! (see attached PDF).
Moreover the describe output marks it as done.
wm8b1-75c:script esalinas$ gcloud alpha genomics operations describe operations/EJCE4cqqKxj8_Y6PzbPfrJoBIP3g3tG1AioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl|head -3
done: true
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.genomics.v1.OperationMetadata
The mark "Running" does not seem correct here....