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task marked as Failed but logs and bucket contents have no hint of why?


I have a WDL task that ran in FireCloud that has 3 files to be de-localized by their listing in the output block.
The task is one of 17 tasks in a scatter group. The one I refer to here is #9.

The task is marked as "Failed" and I wonder why because I cannot find a reason why.

The stdout file in the bucket is empty and has no clue to why the "Failed" mark. It is expected to be empty as another "scatter" job finished fine and had an empty stdout file.

The stderr file has no hint of error.

The JES log has no hint of error either. In addition, inspection of the events via "gcloud alpha genomics operations describe" shows a succession of events and the 3 files in the output block are successfully copied back to the bucket.

In addition, the -rc.txt file is in the bucket and contains a zero.

What are the reasons a task would be marked as "Failed"?

Could it be that a different task is "Failed", but this task is marked as "Failed" instead? In the UI all the other tasks are marked as "Running.

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