I ran a submission on FireCloud. Submission ID 61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136
In that submission I have a task that seems to be running but not running.
More specifically I refer to task polysolverWorkflow.polysolverMut with operations ID operations/EP2ty8mbKxi7sfqg_s61xpABIPCeybKCFioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl
(see attached screenshot).
The impression I get from the LOG files in the bucket suggest that the task is NOT running.
I say that I get the impression that the task is NOT running because the logs seemingly
ALL stop Jan 20 around 03:52 or 03:53 or so. ( I think the time is UTC time). Today is Jan 23
so the logs seemingly haven't grown since that time.
See terminal output looking at the tails of the logs.
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ for FILE in `gsutil ls gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut*` ; do echo -ne "\n\nNow looking at file $FILE \n\n" ; gsutil cat $FILE | tail ; echo -ne "\n\n" ; done ;
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut-stderr.log
[Fri Jan 20 03:52:07 UTC 2017] picard.sam.AddOrReplaceReadGroups done. Elapsed time: 2.02 minutes.
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/cromwell_root/tmp
[Fri Jan 20 03:52:07 UTC 2017] picard.sam.AddOrReplaceReadGroups INPUT=/cromwell_root/hla_mut_out/nv.complete.chr6region.tumor.R0k6.csorted.nodup.bam OUTPUT=/cromwell_root/hla_mut_out/nv.complete.chr6region.tumor.R0k6.csorted.nodup.RG.bam RGID=foo RGLB=foo RGPL=foo RGPU=foo RGSM=foo VERBOSITY=INFO QUIET=false VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=STRICT COMPRESSION_LEVEL=5 MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=500000 CREATE_INDEX=false CREATE_MD5_FILE=false
[Fri Jan 20 03:52:07 UTC 2017] Executing as root@5fb29d007e4d on Linux 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 amd64; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79-b14; Picard version: 1.731(c12a4a98bc3c4f8333565557910d96b939985895_1402405046) JdkDeflater
INFO 2017-01-20 03:52:08 AddOrReplaceReadGroups Created read group ID=foo PL=foo LB=foo SM=foo
INFO 2017-01-20 03:52:27 AddOrReplaceReadGroups Processed 1,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:00:18s. Time for last 1,000,000: 18s. Last read position: hla_a_03_13:3,065
INFO 2017-01-20 03:52:44 AddOrReplaceReadGroups Processed 2,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:00:35s. Time for last 1,000,000: 16s. Last read position: hla_a_11_01_44:2,019
INFO 2017-01-20 03:53:01 AddOrReplaceReadGroups Processed 3,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:00:53s. Time for last 1,000,000: 17s. Last read position: hla_a_68_14:1,705
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut-stdout.log
99 1 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 280 234 | 328M 14.1M 3261M 108M|20-01 03:53:03
99 1 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 281 232 | 329M 14.1M 3266M 103M|20-01 03:53:04
99 1 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 279 243 | 329M 13.8M 3247M 122M|20-01 03:53:05
99 1 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 279 237 | 329M 13.8M 3253M 116M|20-01 03:53:06
98 2 0 0 0 0| 0 28k| 0 0 | 0 0 | 287 261 | 329M 13.8M 3258M 111M|20-01 03:53:07
98 2 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 278 251 | 329M 13.8M 3264M 105M|20-01 03:53:08
99 1 0 0 0 0| 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 281 249 | 329M 12.2M 3246M 124M|20-01 03:53:09
100 0 0 0 0 0| 0 8192B| 0 0 | 0 0 | 279 238 | 329M 12.2M 3252M 118M|20-01 03:53:10
94 6 0 0 0 0| 392k 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |2728 33k| 333M 12.2M 3255M 111M|20-01 03:53:11
79 21 0 0 0 0| 292k 48k| 0 0 | 0 0 |6862 81k| 334M 12.2M 3258M 108M|20-01 03:53:12
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut.log
2017/01/20 03:33:11 I: Copying /var/log/google-genomics/*.log to gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:33:11 I: Running command: sudo gsutil -h Content-type:text/plain -q -m cp /var/log/google-genomics/*.log gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:38:11 I: Copying /var/log/google-genomics/*.log to gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:38:11 I: Running command: sudo gsutil -h Content-type:text/plain -q -m cp /var/log/google-genomics/*.log gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:43:12 I: Copying /var/log/google-genomics/*.log to gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:43:12 I: Running command: sudo gsutil -h Content-type:text/plain -q -m cp /var/log/google-genomics/*.log gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:48:12 I: Copying /var/log/google-genomics/*.log to gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:48:12 I: Running command: sudo gsutil -h Content-type:text/plain -q -m cp /var/log/google-genomics/*.log gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:53:12 I: Copying /var/log/google-genomics/*.log to gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
2017/01/20 03:53:12 I: Running command: sudo gsutil -h Content-type:text/plain -q -m cp /var/log/google-genomics/*.log gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/
Even the JES log stops around 3:53 Jan 20.
Moreover, the result of stat also points to a last update time around the same time on Jan 20
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ for FILE in `gsutil ls gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut*` ; do echo -ne "\n\nNow looking at file $FILE \n\n" ; gsutil stat $FILE ; done ;
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut-stderr.log
Creation time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Update time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Storage class: STANDARD
Content-Length: 961010
Content-Type: text/plain
Hash (crc32c): Ey+yog==
Hash (md5): f3E5iQSgyfn4Ewnj1NyIWg==
ETag: CMj30rbpz9ECEAE=
Generation: 1484884393901000
Metageneration: 1
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut-stdout.log
Creation time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Update time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Storage class: STANDARD
Content-Length: 1448694
Content-Type: text/plain
Hash (crc32c): qEs6PQ==
Hash (md5): TCUkbrI5b33dFC2XLlsWgg==
ETag: CODm1bbpz9ECEAE=
Generation: 1484884393948000
Metageneration: 1
Now looking at file gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut.log
Creation time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Update time: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:53:13 GMT
Storage class: STANDARD
Content-Length: 30623
Content-Type: text/plain
Hash (crc32c): tg86HA==
Hash (md5): Udl41HCeDkhO45vywwHZ0Q==
ETag: CJDszrbpz9ECEAE=
Generation: 1484884393834000
Metageneration: 1
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$
Seemingly inconsistent with this however is inspection of the output from gcloud alpha genomics operations describe :
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ gsutil cat gs://fc-808c7bf6-8570-4c68-aa90-10265c3007b5/61517c58-7cb4-4e53-a782-9b31b3359136/polysolverWorkflow/83ade842-0777-47bd-ac64-7b37dc252ecb/call-polysolverMut/polysolverMut.log 2>/dev/null |head 2>/dev/null
2017/01/20 00:08:12 I: Switching to status: pulling-image
2017/01/20 00:08:12 I: Calling SetOperationStatus(pulling-image): &{ EP2ty8mbKxi7sfqg_s61xpABIPCeybKCFioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl [0xc4200511d0 0xc4200513b0] 14256664291378898555 [] []}
2017/01/20 00:08:12 I: SetOperationStatus(pulling-image) succeeded
2017/01/20 00:08:12 I: Writing new Docker configuration file
2017/01/20 00:08:12 I: Pulling image "eddiebroad/polysolver:v4"
2017/01/20 00:09:50 I: Pulled image "eddiebroad/polysolver:v4" successfully.
2017/01/20 00:09:50 I: Switching to status: localizing-files
2017/01/20 00:09:50 I: Calling SetOperationStatus(localizing-files): &{ EP2ty8mbKxi7sfqg_s61xpABIPCeybKCFioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl [0xc4200511d0 0xc4200513b0 0xc420051770] 14256664291378898555 [] []}
2017/01/20 00:09:51 I: SetOperationStatus(localizing-files) succeeded
2017/01/20 00:09:51 I: Docker file /cromwell_root/5aa919de-0aa0-43ec-9ec3-288481102b6d/tcga/ACC/DNA/WXS/BI/ILLUMINA/TCGA_MC3.TCGA-OR-A5JI-10A-01D-A29L-10.bam maps to host location /mnt/local-disk/5aa919de-0aa0-43ec-9ec3-288481102b6d/tcga/ACC/DNA/WXS/BI/ILLUMINA/TCGA_MC3.TCGA-OR-A5JI-10A-01D-A29L-10.bam.
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$ gcloud alpha genomics operations describe EP2ty8mbKxi7sfqg_s61xpABIPCeybKCFioPcHJvZHVjdGlvblF1ZXVl |head
done: false
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.genomics.v1.OperationMetadata
clientId: ''
createTime: '2017-01-20T00:07:13Z'
- description: start
startTime: '2017-01-20T00:08:10.837176413Z'
- description: pulling-image
startTime: '2017-01-20T00:08:12.745027568Z'
wm8b1-75c:~ esalinas$
The gcloud alpha genomics operations describe command says "done: false" which would seem to suggest that the task is still running but that is inconsistent and contradictory with the log timestamps.
Is this behavior expected? Based on my understanding the answer is no.
Is this normal? Likewise I believe not.
Has anyone else seen this behavior I wonder?
Is the task running or not?
Given that the gcloud says "done: false" and that the JES log stopped days ago, does that point to a problem in google JES?
I wonder if anyone has seen anything like this and knows what might be (or not be) going on?