If i’m importing a workflow from dockstor to FC is there a proper way to import the subworkflows within the workflow?
1. Should i import using github raw file url. This may be the easist way since i don’t need to import the subworkflows to FC. The question here is whether its ok to leave the subworkflows out FC? Users would still be able to view to the subworkflows, but it wont be viewable in the FC method repo.
import "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-exome-analysis-pipeline/dev/tasks/UnmappedBamToAlignedBam.wdl" as ToBam
2. Should I import the subworkflows into FC first, make sure they are public and use FC’s import url for in the main workflow? This would be elaborate because it would mean importing all workflows to FC, doing them in a particular order to make sure the higher level workflows has the correct snapshot from the FC import url, needing to always update the snapshot url in the main workflow for every update.
import "https://api.firecloud.org/ga4gh/v1/tools/gatk:alignment/versions/4/plain-WDL/descriptor" as Alignment
3. Should i just not try to import from dockstore, instead upload files directly to FC.
I’m leaning towards the first option, I was wondering if anyone sees a major flaw